Ezra tries deflection.

Friday, December 08 2006 @ 09:45 MST

Contributed by: evilscientist

In one of his columns, neo-con wing-nut Ezra Levant questions Stephane Dion's loyalty to Canada. This is such a red herring you can smell the stench from here. In point of fact, it's hyper-hypocritical of Levant to do so. Why? Ted Morton.

Ezra backed Morton in the recent Alberta PC leadership race. In the same column that Levant blasts Dion's loyalty to Canada, Levant then goes on to say how the new Alberta premier has to give a prominent cabinet post to Morton, due to Morton's popularity with right-wingnuts like Levant. Did Ezra fail to mention that Morton holds dual citizenship?

So our caped crusader, Ezra, is all upset that someone who could be the leader of the country holds dual citizenship. He doesn't see this as a problem for a premier or a handful of Tory MP's. This is Levant's hypocrisy. Ezra, it works like this, either you oppose all politicians holding public office having dual citizenship or you don't. You don't get to pick and choose who's dual citizenship is better than others and then claim the moral high ground.

Of course Ezra's complaint is that a non-Tory has dual citizenship, and to make maters worse, it's not a Canadian-US dual citizenship. Here in lies his true motives. To distract us from the reality that his political beliefs are waining in the general public. He has to lash out at the opposition in order to reinforce his own internal belief system. This is necessary for him since Canadians outside of Calgary (and the extreme rural south of Alberta) seem to be rejecting the politicians he supports (Morton and Harper) and his ego can't take that.

It could also be that he's reduced to the debating tactics he used back in his U of C days. Ezra was king of the ad hominum attack as well as making stats up on the spot to support his arguments, not to mention setting up straw men. Seems nothing has changed for him. His side (the neo/theo cons) are in retreat and he has to lash out at the opposition in a vain attempt to bring people back. It's kind of pathetic really.

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