Recycled Shoes, Recycled Budget?

Monday, March 19 2007 @ 12:06 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

Given that federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty will simply re-use the shoes he bought last year does this mean, like everything else the Harper government has come up with since January he's going to re-use a previous Liberal budget? I think that is unlikely, give that Harper's been breaking the bank with pre-budget spending announcements there's not much left to surprise people with the budget. What seems to be certain is that the budget that is being proposed (or what at least has been announced/leaked) is not likely to match up with what Canadians want from the budget.

Well at least average Canadians. The Harper government will give the rich everything the rich wants, i.e. tax cuts, but not leave much for the average Canadian. If the Strategic Council poll is to be believed, the Tories are heading in the opposite direction that the majority of Canadians want to go. This would explain the Tories' apparent stalling in the polls. This could get much worse if any tax cuts are accompanied by cuts to social programs that are near and dear to Canadians' heart such as health care, though I don't think Harper's that stupid. I guess we'll find out in an hour or so...

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