Baby Conservatives

Friday, May 11 2007 @ 05:00 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

Wow, it would appear that Canada's New Government (TM. Pat. Pend) is being run by three year olds who'll throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. They don't want to hear what might happen if they suck up to the Americans, so they storm out of a committee meeting. What's next, holding their hands up to their ears and going "LALALALALALA?"

If the Tories are wondering why they're sinking in the polls, perhaps they should look in the mirror. Harper continues to campaign on the "we're not the Liberals" platform, while everything the Tories do seems to make them look even worse. Storming out of committee because they can't get their way isn't going to make people want the Tories as an alternative to the Liberals. Harper needs to spend the summer recess taking a good hard look at his strategy, perhaps come up with something approaching actual, thought out policy. I doubt that will happen, as any policy the Tories would likely want to come up with is likely to be out of step with what Canadians want. So expect more lurching from crisis/scandal to crisis/scandal for this government in the foreseeable future.

H/T to Relentlessly Progressive Economics

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