Ok, So I've been gone for a while...

Monday, September 01 2008 @ 10:52 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

So you may have noticed that it's been a while since I've posted something of any substance here. There are many reasons for it. My mother's passing took an emotional toll that took some time to deal with so for many weeks I just haven't been in the mood to do much blogging. I also started a masters program so that has also taken up much of my energy. Well September is upon us and hopefully the sliding back into the routine of work will punch up my blogging energy, or at the very least push me past the bit of writer's block that seems to have set upon me like some kind of malaise. Heck with an election on the horizon, there should be plenty to blog about, now just to find the motivation! September is a busy month for me, School starts anew (I'm a teacher) and my unit's training year starts again as well. Throw in the course I'm taking for the degree and it's a recipe for not blogging much. I do try to write at least one post a week on a substantive issue, it's just some weeks I don't have the time, and others I don't have the motivation or muse. In any event, this is just a hobby so it is ok to sometimes not post as often as I'd like.

So over the next couple of days I'll post the next batch of observations from the City Deep Sky Project I'm working on, though this project is in a brief hiatus due to problems with the motor drive on my telescope (parts have been ordered). Also my observing time is being eaten up with the project for my course (which thankfully doesn't require the telescope to track). Look to more posts with that project in October/November.

My political posts should start to pick up again as election fever sets in. Work tends to set up a routine with me and it's that routine that generally gets me writing. A lack of routine seems to make me relax and ignore things like blogging, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for me, but not so good if you're expecting my rantings on a semi-regular basis.

So gentle reader, all I ask of you is patience, as things begin to settle down into routine here again, so should my willingness to put finger to keyboard and fill these pages with more of my observations.

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