Facebook Follies

Tuesday, September 16 2008 @ 12:11 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

For those of you out there who, like me, can't stand the "New Facebook", in kind of the same way as "New Coke", I have successfully used the following method to get the old Facebook back:

Click here and add the Developer App.


Then click here:


It works for now. How long until the Facebook admins figure it out, who knows.

Since Facebook seems to be deleting posts like this:

To really get their (Facebook's) attention you have to hurt them in the pocketbook. As a large, faceless corporation (sic), it's all they will understand.

There are only a couple of legal ways of doing this.

First, if everyone here uses the "feedback" link to send feedback, that's several million messages a day their servers have to deal with, which they'll have to devote resources to, which costs money. Even with spam filters, it' eats up computing resources that would normally be used for serving things such as ads.

Second is to contact Facebook advertisers. If the millions of people in this group contacted the companies that advertise on Facebook stating that due to Facebook's policies that you can't do business with that advertiser. Few advertisers are willing to lose a couple of million customers when other avenues of advertising are available.

Delete that....

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