Horrible realization..

Thursday, December 04 2008 @ 09:44 MST

Contributed by: evilscientist

I came to a horrible realization on the way to work this morning. As someone who has spent a great deal of his adult life in Alberta I've become accustomed to the Conservative M.O. when it comes to destroying public institutions. The formula is actually quite simple, formulate a crisis in the institution, blame the opposition and the institution for the crisis, then take steps to dismantle the institution. Now this isn't the realization, as I've seen and known this for years. The realization is about something way more sinister, and it deals with the current happenings in Ottawa. Harper has gone out of his way to create a crisis in the House of Commons and the Canadian democratic process. Given the Conservative M.O. about creating crisis, this can be interpreted that the Harper Conservatives want to destroy Canadian democratic institutions and replace them with whatever twisted system they want to introduce, presumably so the Glorious Leader can remain in charge without question for life. Something to think about.

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