On town halls.

Wednesday, April 01 2009 @ 06:57 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

Last week US President Barack Obama held an internet town hall. Interesting, as this reaching out to the people is the complete opposite of how the previous administration acted. It is also the opposite of how our current governing party acts. Can you imagine our media-phobic PM doing the same? I think it would be highly unlikely that Stephen Harper would do such a thing. However I envision that it would go something like this:

Welcome to the Stephen Harper internet town hall. Please answer the following question:
Are you a member of the Conservative party of Canada?

Sorry, but the server is experiencing a heavy load at the moment, please try again later.

[restart page]

Welcome to the Stephen Harper internet town hall. Please answer the following question:
Are you a member of the Conservative party of Canada?

Welcome to the town hall. There are 5 people on line.

Please choose your question for the Prime Minister from the following list:

  1. Please tell me what the government is doing to lower taxes?
  2. Please tell me what the government is doing for the economy?
  3. Please tell me what the government is doing to help my retirement savings?
  4. ...
  5. Please tell me why the government is better than the opposition parties.

What follows is a endless regurgitation of Tory talking points.

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