Chickenhawks strike again.

Tuesday, April 21 2009 @ 11:31 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

Last Saturday Michael Coren opened his word processor and came up with this piece of utter drivel. Apparently the fact that a young woman had the intestinal fortitude to do a job that Coren isn't brave enough to do himself is making him uncomfortable. What's the matter Michael, feeling less a man because of that?

So we have the comment article that Coren wrote apparently due to his feelings of inadequacy in which he demeans the sacrifice and memory of not just one particular soldier, Tpr Blais but all Canadian service men and women who have fought and died for our country. It saddens me that so many Canadians have fought and died so that Coren can sleep in his comfy bed at night and degrade their memory in the morning. Not that I think Coren should be censored, but it is imperative that we as the citizenry of this country call him on his bovine scatology.

Now in the spirit of disclosure, like Coren, I myself have also not been in combat. In 21 years of reserve service I've never had to do that. However it would seem unlike Coren I was a) willing to put on my country's uniform and if I had been called on would have done what my country asked, and b) understand that all of the people in our military regardless of gender are there to do a job and aren't sent into combat without the required skills. Every sacrifice made by a member of the CF in the service of our country is valuable regardless of their gender, skin colour, ethnicity or other factor that makes them individuals. What Coren completely misses is that despite these differences, the members of the CF come together and work as a team to accomplish whatever mission the people of Canada, through the federal government, send them on.

So Michael, in simple words you are likely to understand, either man up and join up and do the job yourself or quit demeaning the sacrifice of those who are actually proud and willing to do the job you are so unwilling to do.

H/T to The Galloping Beaver

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