Shorter Tom Flanagan:

Monday, June 15 2009 @ 09:35 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

Harper, stick a fork in him, he's done.

As Don Martin points out, this isn't someone the neo-con kool-aid drinkers can just brush off as "the Liberal media". This was Harper's mentor and still one of the leading North American neo-con thinkers. Nothing says you're a Conservative in trouble quite like Tom Flanagan, Don Martin and the Calgary Herald.

Dear 'ol Tom even provides a way for Harper to redeem himself, in short, quit being an ultra-partisan hack and start running the country. Unfortunately for Flanagan, Harper is unlikely to listen to him anymore. You don't become an ultra-partisan hack by listening to advice from people other than yes-men, and Harper has surrounded himself with the best Conservative yes-men taxpayer money can buy, so I think it's unlikely that Harper will listen to anyone with a contrary opinion, even if that contrary opinion comes from someone like Flanagan.

Of course this means that Harper is likely to continue along his self-destructive path, which we can only hope. The end of that path is the Tories out of power and someone else can start to repair the damage they've done.

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