Support the troops?

Saturday, March 20 2010 @ 10:06 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

Tired of neo-cons claiming you're not a "real Canadian" because you don't "support the troops" just like they do? Think that if our government sends our young men and women into harm's way that they should have the best equipment that money can buy, but that we really should think twice about sending them? Think that questioning the motives of the government has nothing to do with your patriotism and in fact shows that you are a true patriot? Think that politicians hiding behind our troops is wrong? Do I have the graphic for you.

The Tories have whipped up an American level of jingoism over "supporting the troops", implying that if you don't support them and the war in Afghanistan, you don't "support the troops". This, of course is complete bunk. It is more than possible to support our soldiers overseas, but question why we keep them there. In fact it's the essence of democracy and among the highest level of support one can do to question the government about such things. Questioning if our troops should be doing something does not equate that while our government has them doing it, we wish our young men and women harm. To this end, a blog button which can show support for the troops, but not the war:

Feel free to download the graphic and place it on whatever you wish. See how neo-cons blow their stack as the cognitive dissonance that it creates in their binary minds drives them crazy. It shows that you support our young men and women in uniform, but not what the government has sent them to do. It also shows that you support the troops, but not the Conservative party, which is the implication behind the other types of banners.


(I'm contemplating having it made into a bumper sticker. Then when my release is final I can put it beside my veteran's plate and really cause a stir here in cowtown... or is that too evil? :)

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