Turning off voters...

Tuesday, August 17 2010 @ 10:11 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

...one group at a time. It would seem that the Harper Tories, in it's continuing attempts to pay only lip service to "supporting the troops" is set to fire the veterans ombudsman for apparently doing his job.

The problem is, of course, that by doing his job Col Pat Stogran (Retd) often had to go against Tory policy of screwing over veterans. This is a very grievous crime to the Harper government, worse than incompetence. After all, government appointed watchdogs exist only to show how good a job the government is doing, at least in Harperland.

It is another example of how the Harper government is sliding faster and faster into totalitarianism. The complete need to control the media, the elimination of professionals that provide criticism, the marginalization of opposition voices, the complete lack of transparency or accountability. It's hard to tell if I'm looking at the Conservative Party of Canada or the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It would not surprise me if Harper was using Canada's security apparatus through CSIS and the RCMP to spy on political opponents. Of course we won't find that out until the Tories are punted from office, assuming they'll go when they lose an election. The damage they are inflicting on this country is astounding.

That all being said, the ability of Harper to win elections is getting reduced with each passing policy announcement. In this case, he's gone out of his way to annoy a huge conservative voting block, veterans. One wonders if this decision will be reversed once news of the veterans in revolt of party policy filters through to the maximum leader's ears. More likely than not, Harper will send out some Nazgul in the form of Baird or some other minister to call the veterans names for daring to question the great leader. No doubt the veterans will be decried for not supporting the troops, or loving the terrorists or some other such thing. There's little left to surprise me in terms of how low Harper and his supporters will go.

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