Conservative true colours

Wednesday, August 18 2010 @ 11:18 MDT

Contributed by: evilscientist

An editorial from the Toronto Sun, a paper in a chain that is basically a mouthpiece for the Harper government run by a Harper staffer, gives a view into the darkness that exists in the conservative "brain". In it, the editors of the Sun suggest that the answer to refugees showing up in boat on our shores is to murder them at sea. It would seem that murder is only illegal if a non-conservative is doing the murdering.

This is the dark underbelly of the Canadian conservative movement, as envisioned by Stephen Harper and voiced by his former communications director, now head of the Sun newspaper and coming soon TV network Kory Teneycke. Basically the Conservatives and conservatives want it to be OK for innocent men, women and children to be murdered. Yes folks, these are the same people who complain that the punishment for murderers isn't tough enough stating flat out that they would murder people, period. These are the people with their hands on the levers of power.

This is what conservatives stand for, not just the marginalization of the weak, but their outright murder. This is a dangerous road that they want Canadian society to head down. It starts with refugees coming on shore, then where does it go from there? Recently naturalized immigrants? Non-Caucasian immigrants? People who speak out against the government? Think about it. If they are willing to murder one group of people, there's nothing stopping them from doing it to any other group of people.

Of course the Sun isn't the government, despite the fact that the Sun parrots everything the Harper government says and recently has been on a purge of anyone at the newspaper chain who has ever criticized the Harper government. This being said, the Harper government had better start distancing itself from the comments of one of it's leading cheerleaders and fast lest it also be tarred with the same brush. I for one will not be holding my breath for this, as I suspect that the Harper government and it's supporters hold the same views and the only thing that really kept Harper from sinking the ship in international waters was the fact that he doesn't have a majority government.

Remember, Harper said you wouldn't recognize this country when he was done with it and a country where government boosters start calling for death squads certainly isn't the Canada I recognize.

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