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Welcome to Evilness List of Constellations
Here is a list of all 88 IAU recognized constellations. The list gives the name of the constellation, the genitive (e.g. alpha Leonis is the brightest star in Leo), the abbreviation and the approximate season that the constellation will be up in the northern hemisphere. Note that not all constellations are visible depending on the observers latitude. Also keep in mind that objects are generally visible for three seasons. So Leo being a spring constellation would be an early morning winter object or an early evening summer object.
What season is that up?The following table is a list of hours of right ascension and the approximate date that hour will be on the meridian at 22:00 local standard time in the northern hemisphere. This will let you look up what season an object will be up. So for example, Regulus at 10h08m RA would be on the meridian at about 22:00 on about the 15th of April, making it a spring object. Keep in mind that objects are generally visible for three seasons. So Regulus being a spring object would be an early morning winter object or an early evening summer object. |
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