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Welcome to Evilness Monday, February 17 2025 @ 07:59 MST
Friday, July 17 2009 @ 08:45 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 2,052
 Well I have returned from Ontario avec our new trailer. I thought I'd post some photos of it before Mrs. Evil and I depart with it for some time in the mountains.
Monday, July 13 2009 @ 05:34 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 2,051
 Mrs. Evil and myself are in the middle of purchasing a camping trailer. Due to the limitations of our tow vehicle, a very light trailer is needed. I have found such a trailer and will be picking it up Hamilton, Ontario; far away from Castle Evil in Calgary, Alberta. Since my dad and I had yesterday in Hamilton, some photos beneath the cut.
Monday, June 08 2009 @ 08:45 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,627
 I had lunch with Prince Edward on Sunday. Ok, more accurately I had lunch in the same room as HRH The Prince Edward Earl of Wessex. It goes along with my conversation with him which lasted all of 4 seconds and consisted of me answering a question. Hanging out with royalty, it's how I roll...
Thursday, April 02 2009 @ 06:23 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,590
 I seem to have picked up a cold from somewhere... blech...
Wednesday, April 01 2009 @ 04:00 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,591
 Well almost, just some editing of the last two paragraphs... but for the most part done!!!!
Tuesday, March 31 2009 @ 06:26 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,623
 Well I've been busy working on a paper so haven't had much time to write about other things. The paper's due this Friday and I'm almost done so whew. Just a reminder to those of you reading this on Facebook that this is the last day my account will be active and if you want to keep in touch you'll have to either email me or contact me here at
Thursday, March 26 2009 @ 09:52 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,809
 Why I don't want to end my vacation.
Wednesday, March 25 2009 @ 08:44 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,598
 A trip to the wax museum, undersea gardens and miniature world capped off with tea at the Empress. A walk along the inner harbour, supper and a further walk along the harbour. All in all a busy day.
Wednesday, March 25 2009 @ 12:14 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,662
 As my inaugural post in this topic, I'm announcing that I'm currently on vacation in Victoria. This means a couple of things. First I'm missing the snow in Calgary (well perhaps missing is to strong a term) and second I'm avoiding school work.
Thursday, May 24 2007 @ 12:47 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 1,698
 After 15 years of service, I finally retired my 1991 Honda Civic yesterday. Though it had been a reliable vehicle all those years it was starting to show its age. With a small oil leak, a small radiator leak, a problem with the throttle body sensor and the windshield wipers packing it in a couple of weeks ago it was time to look at a new vehicle. The Civic has been relegated to being my hobby car, something to tinker on the engine without the fear of not being able to get to where I need to go. I have replaced it with another Honda, though not another Civic. Since I need more cargo space than the Civic can provide combined with the fact I'm not to keen on the new styling on the 2007 Civics, I've gone with an Element.
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