The federal Conservatives, having been playing by the Alberta Tories manta of doing what they want, have finally noticed that it\'s not working outside of Alberta. Recent polls show that they are running neck and neck with the NDP for second place behind the Liberals. Even worse for them, their leader\'s popularity is the worst of all the federal leaders. Even in his stronghold of Alberta Stephen Harper\'s popularity has slipped by 20% (now riding only in the mid 70\'s in that province). This electoral punishment has caused a small shift in the Conservatives\' actions in parliament. Having finally heard that Canadians don\'t want an election yet, they\'ve decided to start trying to make a deal with the federal Liberals. The offer that the Tories put forward was that if the Liberals delay the Same Sex Marriage bill, the Tories will give the budget a smooth ride through the house. The Liberals have turned down the offer.
The question at this point, is this too little too late for the Tories? Their complete inability to compromise earlier this session of parliament has been burned into the memories of the electorate. Combine this with their apparently empty policy stance of “see how bad the Liberals are, we\'re not the Liberals” and it\'s no wonder they\'re slumping in the polls (except Alberta, where a cow pie can get elected under a Conservative banner). Their blunder through everything attitude has caught up with them and they\'ll have to be more politically astute to have any chance of success outside of Alberta.