
Near the end of December I filled out the form and faxed it to the government. The reply came yesterday. I now know things about me that most people take for granted. Things like what hospital I was born in, how much I weighed at birth are things I now know that for the first 36 years of my life were a mystery.
I also, as part of the mass of paper the government sent me, now know my birth mother\'s name. Now for the ease of the reading public, if I use the term mother, father or parent I am referring to the people who raised me (my parents). If I use the term birth or bio in front of mother, father or parent I\'m referring to the people who\'s genetics I have.
So now I have a name. Here\'s the scary part. A half-hearted search with Google, netted the whereabouts of my bio-mother in about 20 minutes. With the internet, there\'s just no way to hide anymore. My bio-mother\'s husband appears to have genealogy as a hobby, having his and my bio-mother\'s family trees on line on his web page. Checking the information I have against the information in the family tree, it is clear that I\'ve found the right person, complete with address and phone number. For the record, she lives within 2-3 km of my house.
How do my parents feel about all this? My mom has been urging me to find my bio-mother for years now, so she was happy that I\'d received the records. She\'s all gung-ho for me to contact my bio-mother. Both my mom and I don\'t think my dad would take it well, so it may be a while before I tell him, Both my parents are low-tech people, BTW, so I think it\'s unlikely that my dad will see this post since he doesn\'t own a computer, let alone know how to use the internet.
How am I feeling? It\'s all a little strange. It\'s exciting in that a piece of my history has been filled-in (and thanks to the genealogy hobby of bio-mom\'s partner, it\'s been filled-in in spades). There\'s some nervousness and uncertainty as well. Questions need to be answered. Most importantly, do I contact her? If so, how? Would she reply?
I\'m going to have to digest a lot of this over the next few days and weeks to see what I come up with. Regardless, my life has gotten a lot larger in the past 24 hours, even if it\'s just in terms of information.