A view into the mind of Jason

Welcome to Evilness
Friday, February 14 2025 @ 02:28 MST


Jason ramblingSo there I am this morning down in my basement doing some tests on an electronic project I'm working on when the phone rings. On the other end of the line was a reporter from the local CTV station asking questions about the upcoming Perseid meteor shower and was I available to be interviewed about it. Long story short I ended up with some air time. What's cool is that CTV News Net picked up the story so about every 15 minutes or so, my smiling mug is on the screen describing a meteor shower. Cool!
Fame! | 5 comments | Create New Account
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Authored by: Anonymous onSunday, August 12 2007 @ 04:28 MDT
Have you copied your brief moment of fame to some place on the net where it may be viewed?

--Enquirking minds want to know.
the Bungle Lord
  • Fame! - Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, August 12 2007 @ 07:42 MDT
  • Fame! - Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, September 04 2007 @ 09:44 MDT