As of my nomination last night, I'm now the Alberta NDP candidate for the provincial riding of Calgary-Egmont. It looks like I'm the first to be nominated in the riding, though from what I can see the Liberals have former separate school trustee Cathie Williams going through their nomination process. The Alberta Progressive Conservatives have a nomination meeting coming up on the 17th of November and it's a fight between Craig "Vote Tory or Leave" Chandler and Johnathan Denis. It will be interesting to see who wins that fight. A comparison of their websites would seem to indicate that Denis is the party insider running for the nomination, and thus likely the person to win. Chandler is the outsider in this case, and probably has an uphill battle to get the nomination, given his rather outspoken views on most things. Those views and statements will likely come back to haunt Mr. Chandler at the nomination meeting and if he's successful, in an election. That decision lies in the membership of the Tories in the riding however so we shall see.
Oddly quiescent is the Green Party of Alberta. At least from what I can see on their web site, they don't have anyone nominated anywhere, or at the least aren't telling anyone that they have. It's rather odd, given the flurry of nominations the other parties are currently doing in preparation for a possible snap election.
Anyhow, it's onto the hustings I go. If anyone wants to help out, get in touch!