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Welcome to Evilness What the one percent and business think of democracy.
The CBC in Calgary employ Debora Yedlin (as does the Calgary Herald) as a business reporter. Today her report was on the Greek referendum on the European bail out package. In a polemic that can only be described as down on democracy she called the Greek action "unconscionable". She went on to state that voters are too uninformed about important issues that affect them and thus shouldn't be allowed to vote on those issues. Her screed can be heard here.
Flaherty sees no recession for Canada
The federal finance minister sees no recession on the horizon for Canada. Given that last time he said this we got hit hard by recession I doubt many feel that what he says is true.
NDP Leadership Hopeful Suggests Higher Taxes...
...Harper Tories losing control of the message. With the Globe and Mail discussing the matter in a less than negative light, it would seem that the not-so-carefully crafted neo-con message of "all taxes bad" isn't resonating as well with Canadians as they would like. Especially if that message comes with the message "massive cuts to social programs".
Harper Screws Veterans...
...doesn't want anyone to know about it. Shortly after getting caught with their pants down in a committee, the Harper Tories cut short public committee inquiry into the quarter billion in cuts they're meting out to Veterans Affairs. Harper wouldn't know support for the troops if it bit him in the posterior.
You know Harper's offside on an issue when...
.. the Calgary Herald is taking him to task. Now for those of you outside of Cowtown who don't regularly read the Herald, the editorial board there isn't known for it's progressive views on the world. That being said, even uber-right Herald editors are saying that the Harper government is going to far in meddling with the Air Canada labour dispute.
Yet more Conservative Corruption.
CBC has broken a story about local municipalities donating money to the Alberta Progressive Conservative Pary. There are several aspects of this story that are truly depressing and scary.
One more small step to police state.
For people who thinks that the census and gun registry are invasions of privacy, it's amazing that Harper and his government have no problem spying on everone's email and texts.
Ted Morton - master of disguise
It would seem that Ted Morton, candidate for the leadership of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party and hence premier of Alberta and who has been campaigning on openness and accountability has a secret identity. Seems Dr. Morton used an alias email to keep his true identity a secret in ministerial correspondence while he was minister of Sustainable Resource Development.
I hate to say I told you so but....
... I told you so. It looks like the Harper Tories are going to bury their heads in the sand like they were going to do during the first dip of recession. Basically Flaherty has told the Commons finance committee that spending is the cause of the recession and that there won't be anything coming down the pipe but cuts and balanced budgets.
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